
it's all about Godly doctrine that will give our life a true meaniing for living. This eventually bring about a fulfilled life.

Friday, January 05, 2007


life-changingTHE MERCY OF GOD (Matt 20:29-34) (Rom 9:9-18)

The word mercy means to have compassion, to have pity or even to be gracious on someone. But when we refer to the mercy of God we are talking of a divine mercy in which man need in other to live a worthy life. As we all know it is only God who is all powerful, all knowing, unquestionable, and blameless. Since man is full of limitations, like needs, poverty, health problems etc. we all need God’s mercy which He lavishes on mankind, not because we are holy, strong or even intelligent but because of his love.

Based on our text in Matt 20:29-34, we shall be considering the features of men who can obtain mercy from the highest God.

1 They are desperate. (Matt 20:31) Despite the fact that the two blind men were being stopped by the crowd, they refused to give in but rather pressed harder to achieve their desired goal.
2 They did cry. Matt: 20:30. The bible testified that these men cried loud enough to the extent that they caught the attention of the highest God.
3 They are not distracted. Matt 20:31.They refused to be distracted by the overwhelming crowed who tried to shut them up and even they refused to listen to their body which might have been suggesting tiredness to them. Neither did they hearken to their blind condition.
4 They persevered and remain focused.

Having discussed the features of men who can obtain favor from God, we shall also consider the benefits of obtaining God’s mercy.

1 Prayers are being answered.
2 Reproaches are rolled away.
3 God himself will attend to ones case.
4 One will have a miracle.
5 The seemly impossible becomes possible.

Conclusively, each time a man strives to obtain mercy from the throne of God, he is bound to go through some obstacles. I implore you not to give in but to contend desperately until you get it because you need it.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


HOW WORKS RELATE WITH FAITH part 2 James 2:14-26

Let us now do some analysis of the passage under consideration. It is James’ contention that in the context of the tragic human situation we are in, Christianity should compel us to live our lives to the profit of others. This is why he says in James 2:14, what does it profit, my brethren, if a man says he has faith but has not work?

We have to agree with him that Christianity is utterly useless if it does not issue out in positive action. Moreover, there is the danger that the person who has that kind of faith may actually be an ambassador of in Christian costume. If there was anything that marked the life of Christ, it was compassion. How then can those who claim to be His disciples be marked by anything else? It is utter wickedness to show by attitude and say to a human being created in the image of God, “Go in peace, be warmed and filed,” without giving them the things needed for the body’ (James 2:16). And it is worse when the person in lack of daily food” is a brother or sister in Christ.

All the arguments James presents in James 2:18-20 are to show how impossible it is to drive a wedge between real faith in Christ and good works. Paul has said it all when he pointed out that Christ “gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds” (Titus 2:14).
It was the consuming zeal for good deeds which issued from Abraham’s and Rahab’s faith that prompted them to act the way they did. James cites these two examples to buttress his argument that real faith issues in positive action for God. Abraham acted out of his faith by offering up his only son Isaac, the child of promise. He was persuaded that he must act he must act on his faith, so much that he was prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac and shatter his hope of becoming the father of many nations.

The problem of the previous promises God had made to him and how they relate to this call for positive action as a demonstration of his faith did not seem to bother him. All that mattered to him was the active demonstration of his faith. Any wonder that he was called the friend of God? Those who take positive actions for God are His friends because a real friend cannot do otherwise.

The case of Rahab the harlot was that she was courageous enough to become a saboteur against her nation because she was firmly committed to the idea that the kingdom of God must triumph over the kingdoms of the devil and the world. Because of this commitment, she took practical steps to bring about the destruction of her country, that the purpose of God might triumph.

From what has been said so far, it is abundantly clear that works do not recommend us to God. But if real faith has germinated in us, it is inevitable that it must issue out in good works of various kinds. Where this does not happen, that faith is useless, barren and dead. “For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so faith apart from works is dead” (James 2:26). How is your faith, dead or alive?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007



What can make a sinful human being become acceptable to a Holy and Almighty God? Can God be ever satisfied with my attempts to live a righteous life? Is faith a gift of God or a work of man? Does God look with favor on me because of my faith, because of my works, or because of both? Is God satisfied with my having faith or my having works or both? How do work relate to faith in the sight of God and in the sight of man?

Some of the questions raised above have agitated the mind of the church right from the first century. In fact, the first church/mission conference to be held in the history of the church (Acts 15) was over the question of how works relate to faith. And the great question that raged during the Reformation in the sixteenth century was whether justification before God was by faith or works. The disagreement over this question brought about the division of the church into two hostile camps, the Protestants and the Roman Catholics.

This question of how works relate to faith is therefore fundamental to the existence and effectiveness of the church. Does God approve of me because I have faith alone or because I have faith and works? If works is in the picture at all, how should it be regarded; as a mother of faith or a child of faith? Is works the twin brother of faith?

The passage for our bible study, James 2:14-26, tackles these questions. Also, in Titus 3:5-7 Paul says God “saved us, not because of deeds done by us in righteousness, but by virtue of His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal in the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our savior, so that we might be justified by his grace and become heirs in hope of eternal life.”
The above passage shows the major thrust of Paul’s thinking on the matter of how works relate to faith. But that is not all that Paul has to say on the matter. In Ephesians 2:10 he beautifully sums up the kind of emphasis James is making in James 2:14-26. Paul says Christians are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works.” In other words, the real Christian exists for the sole purpose of good works This is how James understands real Christianity. To him, a faith that does not issue out in good works is dead and useless. In fact, James wants us to understand that this kind of faith does not change ones candidacy for hell, like the demons that also believe in the Trinity and shudder at the greatness of God.

Watch out for how works relate to faith part II.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007



You saw yourself as bowing to the will of God. But by the same action, members of your beloved family perceived you as raising your head in defiance of their best wishes for you. Could you now do God’s will without necessarily making enemies of your loved ones?
I was once faced with this situation towards the end of the year 1969. As a young person, something always exited me about facing challenges: going to new places, taking up a difficult job, serving in dangerous situation. When I believed such was the will of God for me. But a greater challenge is to do God’s with minimum tension between me and those who affected by any actions.

That was my discovery when I faced the challenge of my first job after secondary school. I was to oversea a local branch of a rehabilitation project for survivors of the Nigerian civil war as from December 1969. That would keep me close to the war front.

My parents and loved ones saw the idea differently. The war was still raging fiercely. Bullets and bombs were still claiming lives in the thousands. A great deal of destruction had been done. Almost every other house had its roof perforated with bullets. There were so many deep pot-holes on every kilometer of the roads in the war zone that it would be a share waste of time driving a vehicle on them. Besides, no one could tell for sure where the traveler might be pounced upon by “Biafran” soldiers in ambush.

A close friend of my had just returned from the front line where he had been serving as a military doctor. He told stories of how the area was charged with dangers. He told of a day when the “Biafran” forces raided a town with bullets from the air, one bullet penetrated the roof and ceiling of the house in which he was lodging, and fell directly on his uniform as his house help was ironing it on the table. Such terrifying stories about the war front abounded.

I could therefore understand why my family members saw the idea of my intended service in the war front differently and objected to it. To me, it was an opportunity to serve in another part of the country; to them, I was going to be too far away from home. To me, nothing could be more rewarding than opening up my life to those poor war victims; to them, I was being fanatic enough to take up a low-pay job on which I might starve. I saw myself as an agent of life to someone who might otherwise perish; they saw me as one going to place himself in the very jaw of death. I saw myself obeying the will of God; but they saw me as raising my head in defiance of my family’s best wishes. Could I do God’s will now without necessarily making enemies of my relations in the process.

My struggle then becomes intense because the prevailing circumstances seemed to run contrary to what I expected it to be were I in the very centre of God’s will. I did not (and still do not) believe that I should ignore the feeling of my people on any decision of importance. This was especially so because they too were christains who sincerely sought to see God’s will prevail in the live of every member of their family. (Even if they had not been Christian, the fact that they were the vehicle through whom God conveyed me into existence made them deserve my deep respect.) Hence I read their objection as a “wait” signal from the lord. But I realized that I had to make my decision and asked God to either confirm or disapprove of it as He pleased. I was responsible for my life decisions. I might consider objections from family and friends who might be affected by my decisions. But ultimately it was me that would bear the consequences of my life decisions, be they blessings or loses. I consulted with my Christian friends and enlisted their prayer support for God’s guidance. I was most desirous of one thing; After my decision might have been made, I wanted to have peace as Gods seal that I had done His will.
Being aware of my responsibility to make up my mind, I decided to accept the job in principle. Then this is what I told my heavenly father; “God, you know I want to do your will. You also know about my conviction that serving in Port-Harcourt is your will for me at this time. “I have decided to accept the Job”, I continued. “Would you therefore confirm this as your will- if indeed it is by making my family consent to the idea before the resumption date?” Having prayed like this, I rested assured that the lord would resolve the conflict.

It was a Sunday afternoon. I had less than 24 hours within which to either show up for the preliminary part of the job or lose it. But my people were still as strongly opposed to my plan as when they first heard of it several weeks before.
My father called a meeting of the family to warn me finally to give up the job. But as we talked he changed his mind! In the 1940’s my father had worked in the marines at Lagos, Once, a moving crane over a ship lost the control piece of iron. The iron missed my father only by a hair breadth as it crashed on the deck with a deafening noise.

Just at this crucial moment during the family meeting, the Lord brought that marine incident to my father’s recollection. That was the miracle that changed the atmosphere.
“God saved me from fatal accidents in the marine’s years ago,” he recollected. “well, He can protect you too from bullets in the war area.”

My prayer had been answered! The family atmosphere changed.

Other members of the family agreed with my father. They all gave me their blessing and shared my joy and peace as I went singing to report for my job the following morning. The bible indicates that my loyalty to Christ would cause conflict between me and others who don’t share that loyalty. But it is as much a challenge to be loyal to Christ without making a head-on collision with anyone who may be “unfavorably” affected by my loyalty. All of my existing inter-personal relations do not necessarily have to go up in flames to confirm my loyalty to Christ. Infact, if in my effort to do the will of God I trample on the feelings of others, my professed loyalty to Him is devoid of biblical spirituality.

Monday, January 01, 2007

: who is the lord part 4


There are certain situations in life that ask the contemptuous question “who is the lord that can set you free”.

POVERTY: Poverty is all out to black mail God in your life. Our father the Almighty God says that silver is His and gold is His. Haggai 2:8.

The word of God says,
The earth is the lord’s, and the fullness thereof: the world, and they that dwell therein. Ps. 24:1.
Poverty comes in and queries “who is the Lord who can take you out of its hand.” God is not glorified in poverty. Poverty makes one a second class citizen, despised by ones colleagues. Prov. 19:7.

IN THE LIFE OF JABEZ 1Chro. 4:9-10
Jabez reported poverty and neglect to the Almighty. God’s answer to him put poverty to shame.
1 God blessed him, that is removed poverty
2 Enlarged his coast,
3 God’s hand was with him
4 God kept him from evil, and
5 That he would not suffer again.

Our God is Jehovah Rapha “I am the Lord that healeth thee”.Ex. 15:26.
God is also not glorified in sickness in the human body. The word of God also desires our body to be in good health. 3Jn 2.
Each time the body is affected with sickness, all the sickness is saying is where is your Lord who can set you free? Each time any sick person approached the Lord the answer had always been instant healing.

THE LEPER (matt. 9:20)
Jesus touched him and immediately received his healing. The woman with the issue of blood Matt. 9:20. Even multitudes received their healings as an answer to the query by sickness touching on the integrity of God. Matt 8:16. Jesus even passed that authority to all believers Mk.16:17-18.
SIN 1JN. 3:4
This is direct confrontation against God. It calls the power, the integrity and mercy of God into question. Sin operated outside God. However, glory be to God because Jesus came to this world for sinners. Rom 5:6-11

The Pharisee brought a prostitute to Jesus to give a death verdict according to the law for being caught in the act of adultery; Jesus asked any of them who had never committed sin to cast stone at her. No one did. Jesus told the woman “Go and sin no more.
Whatever is the level of the sinner, if he stages a comeback to the Lord the hope of the devil of him will be shattered.

Let all those who had been consistent with the lord rejoice because all that the lord has belong to you. Let all those who staged a come back praise the lord because we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ.