The lord saw me through secondary school and higher institution. All through those years, he was my guide, my shield and my provider. I remember that while in the secondary school, I always received, among other prizes, the prize for the best-behaved student, in my final year; I was singled out to be the senior prefect. After graduating from the university, the lord gave me a miracle job and a few years later, a Christian wife, Joy. For five years after our wedding, there was no child. I was unduly worried. I had witnessed God’s faithfulness over and over. I knew that He is the God that "calleth those things which be not as though they were". I used to pray alone. Now I have a prayer partner-my wife. Together we did approach the throne and reminded him of his promises concerning child bearing. Today, we have three lovely children. I remember now the birth of our first child. It was such a joyful time. I smile now as I remember it all. The psalmist must have experienced a similar joy when he said, "Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing: thou has put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness" (psalm 30: 11).
Here I am today, with a good education, a good job and a happy home, all because of the faithfulness of a loving God. As I count my blessings today and look back to my beginning, I can’t but join David in exclaiming- who am I, O Lord God? And what is my house, that thou hast brought me hitherto. (2 Samuel 7:18).