What about visions, dreams, prophecy, tongues, and emotions?
The consuming passion of a true Christian is to know and to do His will. The doing of God’s will is what Christ says determines whether we are known to God or not. That is why He says that it is quite possible for someone to prophesy, cast out demons, and perform many miracles in Christ’s name and yet be locked out of heaven (Matthew 7;22).
Since the matter of doing God’s will is so crucial to our acceptance before God, it is understandable that this subject should agitate the minds of so many Christians.
We do know that the Bible expresses the will of God, but the problem is that the Bible is not specific on many personal issues. For instance, the only specific thing the Bible says about who to marry is that the person must not be a non-Christian. All the other things are completely left to you to decide. So you embark on the search with no clues. In the process you can get so frustrated that you wish that God televise the person to you and save you from any further frustration.
God does televise His will. The Bible is the record of God’s will televised over a very long period of time. Through the television, you can both see and hear. The Bible records vision, dreams, prophecies, and various emotions through which God communicates with us.
The thing to note from this is that God is both willing and free to communicate with us as He chooses. You dishonor God when you try to limit Him to any particular method of communicating with us. The best we can say is that since we do not find Him contradicting Himself in the Bible, He cannot contradict Himself through any other means by which He chooses to communicate with us.
Believing that God is both willing and free to communicate with us as He chooses, and that He never contradicts Himself, we should be totally open to every possible means of knowing God’s will. Let visions, dreams, prophecies and tongues flourish as much as they can! We should be willing to see and hear them. How do we know that God will not speak to us through a vision, a dream, tongue or prophecy? We should let God be God.
We should never forget that God is like new wine, and therefore He must always burst through the old wine skin of our views on how He communicates His will. Ordinarily, we should not expect to see “a dumb donkey speaking with a voice of a man”. For the specific purpose of restraining “the madness of the prophet.” But it happened! And who was the prophet? “Balaam, the son of the Beor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness” (2 Peter 2:15, 16). As a song writer says:
“God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform
He plant His footsteps on the sea
And ride upon the storm.”